Installation Ceremony 2020-21

Dated : 30/12/2020

The offline Installation Ceremony was scheduled on the 30th of December, 2020, at Rotary Town Hall Shimla. This is one of our most important and prestigious events, where we have a badge pinning ceremony of the board of directors for the current tenure.

Kindness Quest

Dated : 28/12/2020

An event was organised virtually for the meet and greet purpose. It was an informal event and the intent of this was to make everyone open up about themselves and talk about their wholesome experiences which they had in 2020. We had some exciting and brainstorming games that everyone enjoyed.

State of Arts

Dated : 14/11/2020

“State of the Arts”, an online Poster making and Painting competition themed around Christmas. The event saw good participation not only from seasoned Rotaractors but the rookies as well who have joined us just a couple of months back.

Old Age Home Visit

Dated : 20/12/2020

The rotaractors visited Cheshire home, an old-age home in Lucknow, for community service. Donated some food items as per their requirements and they also interacted with all of them.

Har Ghar Roshan

Dated : 14/11/2020

On the auspicious occasion of Diwali, the Rotaract club of Waknaghat took the initiative of decorating every household with joy and happiness. The 6-day long event, "Har Ghar Roshan" was based on the motto "vocal for local" and the "art of giving"

Happy Tales

Dated : 19/10/2020

Rotaract Club of Waknaghat organised a week-long event "Happy Tales" full of charity, good spirits, and a lot of fun.


Dated : 29/09/2020

A webinar, ‘HRIDAYAM ’- ‘My role during chest pain’ was conducted on the occasion of ‘World Heart Day’ by Rotaract Club of Dombivli Suncity along with the Rotaract Club of Waknaghat.


Dated : 19/09/2020

A lively and fun event that took place online for the first time. The target audience was the batch of first-year students.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Dated : 12/10/2020

The hunt was conducted on the google meet platform. There was an impressive participation and all the participants played an instrumental role in making the whole quest an enormous success!


Dated : 05/09/2020

Orientation for the freshers of 2020. The event started at 6 p.m. by playing an ice-breaking game. Then the formal meeting began by introducing our club and our mission for the year 2020-2021

Teachers day Tribute

Dated : 05/09/2020

A virtual program had been arranged by the Rotaractors for their teachers. It was a new experience for the Rotaractors but they all sent their love and affection in the form of a tribute video to teachers.

Tree Plantation

Dated : 28/08/2020

A Tree plantation drive was organized with much gusto and enthusiasm. Rotaractors selected some empty places around the roadside to plant saplings in a well-organised way.

Let's Up Skill

Dated : 25/08/2020

Virtual sessions on Android App Development and Graphic Designing were conducted under this event which proved out to be immensely informative and helped students get an edge on these two subjects.


Dated : 15/08/2020

On the 74th Independence Day of India, an event named "श्रद्धांजलि " was conducted. The motto of the event was to pay homage to the real life heroes of our country.

Pour your heart out

Dated : 08/08/2020

A webinar on Mental Health Care which was addressed by Namarata. During this session, she focused on many topics like difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist and difference between Anxiety and Worry.


Dated : 01/07/2020

To contribute our bid towards change, Rotaract Club of Waknaghat took the initiative to help underprivileged sections of society by taking small yet generous measures.

Logo Design Competition

Dated : 14/06/2020

Stepping into a brand-new year and hailing new beginnings, Rotaract club of Waknaghat organized a logo designing competition to release a new logo for the club.

Game Marathons

Dated : 20/05/2020

Two sets of games were played under this project-Guess the song and Netflix quiz.

Guftgu Series

Dated : 18/05/2020

“GUFTGU SERIES” was launched amidst the lockdown to provide an enlightening platform for the members for proper guidance and direction towards the right path in life.

Heroes in Scrub

Dated : 12/05/2020

From wearing a white coat like an armour, using a stethoscope like a sword and fighting back like a warrior. On the occasion of International Nurses Day, an event was organised named "Heroes in scrub" in which Rotaractors had to make posters and drawings to give tribute to all the doctors and nurses.

Talking Books

Dated : 27/04/2020

Audio books hand bridges the gap and lets us to be more imaginative and creative without actually reading but listening to them.

Feed the Birds

Dated : 20/04/2020

The Rotaract club of Karachi initiated the event, where all of us could collectively do our bit for animals and birds by either making a shelter for birds or by feeding them by putting a box full of water and seeds outside our homes.


Dated : 20/04/2020

The Rotaract Club of Waknaghat celebrated a whole week as ‘Library week’, where each day, a different task was allocated like Role-play, Interactive session, Picture description, Book review, Quiz, etc.

Feed the Pawsome

Dated : 17/04/2020

A community service named "Feed the pawsome" was organised by the Rotaract Club of Waknaghat to feed the stray animals as much as they could. The fellow rotaractors did an incredible job of humanity by doing so. The amount of responses was overwhelming.

DRR Visit

Dated : 14/04/2020

An online video conferencing was organised and it was attended by all the club members. A brief narrative of various events of the tenure was presented via presentation and the Rotaractors were motivated for future endeavors.

Sanitizers distribution

Dated : 08/04/2020

Amid Covid-19 crisis, the underprivileged section of our society was getting affected the most. They didn’t have the access to basic necessities. So, our Rotaractors took an initiative to provide them with sanitisers for their safety purposes.

Reversing the Quarantine

Dated : 30/03/2020

With a very high spirit, the Rotaract club of Waknaghat organized, “Reversing the quarantine”. All the participants were supposed to share their innovative ways of killing boredom during the quarantine period.


Dated : 20/03/2020

An online video conferencing was attended by all the club members. A brief narrative of various events of the tenure was presented via presentation and the Rotaractors were motivated for future endeavors.


Dated 08/02/2020

The Rotaract club of Waknaghat organized a two-day fun event named- “JASHAN ” to break the monotonous routine of members and other students.

Inter Club Youth Excahnge | ICYE

Dated : 07/02/2020

The Rotaract Club of Waknaghat organised a heartwarming welcome session for rotaractors from Dombivli Suncity, Rotaract District 3142. The fellow rotaractors were facilitated with a Himachali topi and hand-made newspaper cycles.

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